The word "sub" simply means "underneath."

     Thus, the subconscious mind is what's underneath your conscious mind. Here, all of your memories are recorded and stored. On-top of your memories is the language you say about your memories. The language you record through what you say about your life memories become what you believe, value, and the habits you have in your life.

     And it is your habits that are usually underneath your conscious mind. You perform your habits in life without even knowing it. Look to how you walk, talk, act around friends, family, or even how you may drive a car or conduct a sport. You have a repeated and reliable way of conducting yourself through these experiences. Only when you realize in the moment that you are acting out something you do habitually, do you bring that which was subconscious to the conscious part of your mind. You may realize in-the-moment how you always bring your legs to a cross-legged position while sitting or how whenever you see someone of the opposite sex that you get nervous and scared to say hi.

     It's habitual. Through repeated action, repeated affirmation, your mind habitual provides thoughts and feelings to influence you to act a certain way to what Life brings.

     As we said before about language, it's paired with memory. Look to your own life and notice that in all your life memories, you affirmed something about what happened, and who you are in the face of that experience. Maybe you were embarrassed delivering a project to your classmates when you were a child. In that moment, you may have affirmed that you shouldn't express yourself fully in-front of others. With the repeated affirmation and action of avoiding the expression of yourself, you then habitually avoid moments of expressing yourself to others. Effortlessly, you avoid the same situation consistently, and it all stems from your memory and language.

     And this goes for more positive experiences and affirmations as well. All of our life experiences are recorded as memory and language, allowing our identity, our character, our personality, our overall individual ego to be expressed in this world. This is why we target the subconscious specifically with hypnosis or hypnotherapy to influence a person to change, transform, be healed, and empowered again in any area of their life. We use hypnotherapy to reprogram our mind's habitual way towards something more positive, balanced, and to your liking.

     Specifically, we must target the subconscious for this change to happen.

     It's enough to learn just about your conscious and subconscious mind. These two are important in understanding who you are with your body and spirit, along with knowing how hypnosis works through these two main dimensions of your mind. Consider though, that there there's an even deeper mind than that of the subconscious mind. This deeper mind being something that works behind the scenes to place the memory and language recorded in its proper mental space.

     This is that of the deeper Unconscious Mind. Learn more by clicking this link.

     Please note, what we teach 'n practice with hypnotherapy at Solistic Hypnosis is not backed up by the healing art services licensed by the state of California, the rest of the United States of America, and the rest of the World. All hypnotherapy work provided through Solistic Hypnosis is alternative 'n complimentary to whatever licensed healing art service you choose to work with, if any at all.

     “After the hypnosis I began to notice subtle changes in my attitude, changes that were directly related to the content in the hypnosis dialogue. Changes in my perspective of my life that served me; whereas, previously they had been stumbling blocks or hurdles to overcome. For example, previously I would get my weekly paycheck at 70% of my normal pay rate and instantly fall to financial stress. After the hypnosis the same paycheck would be met with enthusiasm and feelings of satisfaction and faith that all will be taken care of. Simply put, the hypnosis made it substantially easier for me to choose to make my life easier.”

---Hypnotherapy testimonial from Narayana D.