Holistic is a word that implies the whole of something. All of something and not just its part. This is why the word holistic in our service name tagline show the "W" in-front of the "H.” That which is holistic has no holes haha. But regardless of the spelling, this is how our hypnotherapy services are provided here at Solistic Hypnosis, holistically.

     The mind's ability to learn through the mental process of hypnosis takes place onto ones Mental Level of their Being. No matter what, the mind is what is targeted first with hypnotherapy.

     But we must also consider the individual's body (the Physical Dimension) with its strengths and weakness. We must also consider one's connection to Spirit or to that which is beyond the physical and mental. Many names have been given to this omni-present force like God, Jehovah, Allah, Shiva, Wahe Guru, the Dao, etc. From me, you'll hear me call this force for the most part, Spirit (the Spiritual Dimension) but any name can do.

     If we don't take into account the physicality of the individual, we won't see what physical problems may be in the way. A person who wants to live a healthy lifestyle will have a hard time embodying that mentally if physically, they are highly overweight. This is fine as that person can work on a hypnosis to become a healthier person mentally and physically, while they work a diet/exercise program at the same time.

     And if we don't take into account the connection that this individual has to Spirit, we may be dealing with a person that truly doesn't believe they can become better. There are plenty of people who desire change but many of them when given the opportunity to change will choose to stay the same in the comfort of their own ego.

     You may not use the word God to describe that which we call Spirit here. You may be "highly scientific" and relate to that omni-presence of Spirit as Energy. As modern science has stated through Thermodynamics, Energy can never be created nor destroyed by can transform from one form to another. God, Spirit, Energy, whatever name you give it, if you are not an individual who sees that there is “something” you’re a part of that can allow you to become better than you are now, you cannot change, transform, heal, and be empowered. Your problems stay the same because you stay the same.

     Here at Solisitic Hypnosis, we are dedicated towards not just handling your mind but helping you understand how your body and mind are connected "at the hip" and how seeing yourself as more than your ego aka Spiritual awareness is the way towards achieving the life you want to create. Be advised, what you came here for initially will be taken care of, first and foremost. It's just, when you leave after accomplishing your hypnotherapy work, you will have what you want and become ever-more whole in who and what you are.

     The Sun may have the planets that rotate around it, but without those planets, The Sun has no purpose to exist. The Sun gives out its life-affirming value full-force because there are others around to care for. The Sun then learns that all of Life is a joint effort to give and receive with the life around. For only then does Life truly exist for an individual.

     This is the meaning of our hypnotherapy service here called Sol-istic Hypnosis.

     It’s of the nature of the Sun that is aware of Life’s W-Hol-istic Nature.

     Take on our hypnotherapy services here at Solistic Hypnosis and see for yourself achieving what you want, and more!

     Please note, the services 'n products available at Solistic Hypnosis is not backed up by the healing arts services licensed by the state of California, the rest of the United States of America, and the rest of the World. Everything provided through Solistic Hypnosis is alternative 'n complimentary to whatever licensed healing art service you choose to work with, if any at all.

     “I can honestly say that I was stunned to start noticing changes almost immediately after my initial hypnotherapy session. The very first thing I noticed was that I was eager and looking forward to getting to my To-Do list every morning! At the end of each day, my heart feels full of a sense of accomplishment. I go to bed, patting myself on the back and celebrating my efforts instead of the negative verbal and mental flagellations which marked my days' end in the past.  Most remarkably, I have garnered insight into the root causes of my procrastination. I now have a deeper understanding of who I am and why I do what I do.

---Hypnotherapy testimonial from Priscilla J.