The Mind experiences hypnosis as a naturally and necessary function, for hypnosis is the mind's ability to change, transformation, healing, and empowerment. Through the recording of memory and language, you learn both positive and negative habits, values, and beliefs.

     Yet the organization of this memory and language to allow yourself to have a personality is an act that is not seen by anyone and not even yourself.

     How can an individual simply have an experience in life that changes them forever?
     How can you listen to a hypnosis audio track and through your mental receptivity to the language given, be hypnotized to think, feel, and act differently in your life?

     This is the work of your Unconscious Mind. Unlike your conscious mind and subconscious mind, this part of your mind acts more like a "hidden hand" that works behind the scenes to takes what you recorded into memory to its proper spot. With this memory in the proper spot, your mind changes and learns accordingly.

     So, what use will it be to you and I to know that we have something that works for us behind the scenes to carry out that which we experience and record within our subconscious? This is where we get into the subjects of belief and faith. Hypnosis itself is reliant your mind's ability to believe and thus become something different.

     Whatever you believe is what you become, basically.

     Yet, after one does hypnotherapy work, some may notice they feel good but don't exactly think they are changing towards what they want to become. As if listening to a hypnosis audio track works like a pill to swallow for a bodily disease. This is because on the level of mind, there are no cures for negativity or disorders. Instead, there are things to teach, to then learn, and thus become. Thus, it will take repeated practice of the hypnosis in one’s mind and waking life to teach one's mind to think and feel differently.

     So, in-between hypnotherapy work and practicing what you're learning in life, you have faith in the unconscious process of hypnosis. That behind the scenes of your waking life, your hypnosis work is being placed properly within your subconscious through the power of your "hidden hands" or the Unconscious Mind. Some may want to know specifically how the Unconscious Mind works behind the scenes but if this was the case, it's method wouldn't be unconscious or "not conscious" but conscious aka alive and aware.

     All that must be practiced to allow the Unconscious to do its magic behind the scenes is to have faith in your hypnotherapy process. Otherwise, your unconscious will file your more negative and disorderly beliefs instead.

     Again, what you believe is what you become. Simple but not always easy.

     Please note, what we teach 'n practice with hypnotherapy at Solistic Hypnosis is not backed up by the healing art services licensed by the state of California, the rest of the United States of America, and the rest of the World. All hypnotherapy work provided through Solistic Hypnosis is alternative 'n complimentary to whatever licensed healing art service you choose to work with, if any at all.

     “The changes, transformations, healings, and empowerments I experienced through the process is I lost 13 pounds in 30 days. I also healed by forgetting all the past pains that were in me from childhood. I healed by forgiving everyone for all the pain they caused me. I practiced grace and forgiveness.​”

---Hypnotherapy testimonial from Arlene N.